Blade | Bitcoin.ℏ ( BTC.ℏ ) Wallet

Blade, a non-custodial wallet for securely managing your Bitcoin.ℏ ( BTC.ℏ )

Blade Wallet for Bitcoin on Hedera


Blade Wallet is a digital wallet that allows Bitcoin.ℏ users to send and receive Bitcoin.ℏ (BTC.ℏ). You can buy Bitcoin.ℏ (BTC.ℏ) with a credit/debit card, Paypal or Apple Pay inside Blade Wallet as well.

Blade offers desktop (Chrome), mobile (Android and iOS), as well as online interface versions. For this tutorial, we will be displaying screenshots from the desktop version. The mobile and online versions will look very similar.

Download Blade Wallet from the Chrome Web Store Download Hashpack from the Apple App Store Download Hashpack from the Google Play


How to buy Bitcoin.ℏ (BTC.ℏ) in Blade Wallet

Step 1: Open the Blade App.

Step 2: Create a wallet as per Blade tutorials, if you haven't already.

Step 3: Click the "Buy/Sell/Swap" button.

Buy Bitcoin.ℏ (BTC.ℏ) in Blade Wallet


Step 4: Next, choose the "Payment Currency", select BTC.ℏ from the "Receive Currency" drop down menu, then enter the amount to pay in the next slot.

Buy Bitcoin.ℏ (BTC.ℏ) in Blade Wallet


Step 5: Now click the "Show Options" button.

Buy Bitcoin.ℏ (BTC.ℏ) in Blade Wallet


Step 6: Next you must associate BTC.ℏ to your account, if you haven't done so already. Simply click the "Yes" button. Be aware that you will need at least $.05 cents of USD or HBAR in your wallet as Blade charges to handle this associating task.

Buy Bitcoin.ℏ (BTC.ℏ) in Blade


Step 7: Next you will see purchase options, select the C14 option and click the large button at the bottom of the window.

Buy Bitcoin.ℏ (BTC.ℏ) in Blade


Step 8: On the next window you will input the amount of BTC.ℏ you would like to purchase, select either credit/debit option or Paypal and click the continue button.

Buy Bitcoin.ℏ (BTC.ℏ) in Blade


Step 9: Depending on which payment option (credit/debit/paypal) you chose, you need to input your payment details. Next, within a few seconds to a few hours your new BTC.ℏ will be deposited into your wallet.

Buy Bitcoin.ℏ (BTC.ℏ) in Blade


Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute investment advice or a recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any investment and should not be used in the evaluation of the merits of making any investment decision. Review Bitcoin.ℏ (BTC.ℏ) Terms & Conditions for the details.

Buy Bitcoin.ℏ with a credit/debit card